Reflection on Last Year
I believe personally that my discipline last year was really good and I had no real problems at all I have dived each good point into a separate sections
I believe personally that my discipline last year was really good and I had no real problems at all I have dived each good point into a separate sections
I am very proud to say that I take pride in my uniform and I had to have had good discipline to make sure that It was pressed correctly meaning that the creases where in the correct place and that I looked smart. This can also be said for my boots you learn from very early on that no matter what public service you join you have to rely on your feet so you need to make sure that your foot wear is clean and serviceable which is what I did and I made sure that my toe caps whereas bulled as I could get them.
I am very proud to say that I take pride in my uniform and I had to have had good discipline to make sure that It was pressed correctly meaning that the creases where in the correct place and that I looked smart. This can also be said for my boots you learn from very early on that no matter what public service you join you have to rely on your feet so you need to make sure that your foot wear is clean and serviceable which is what I did and I made sure that my toe caps whereas bulled as I could get them.
As a result of this I passed all my uniform inspections with no problems if however I had been undisciplined and gone to bed and had an eerily nigh instead of putting in the effort I would have failed my uniform inspections and probably failed linnet clough.
Time Keeping
Time keeping was another very important self-discipline to have and linnet demonstrates to you how important time keeping is in a uniformed service environment for example if the platoon sergeant says the bridge that we are crossing will be blown at 04:45 and we arrive at 04:55 we will have misses our timings. If we were late or an individual was late the whole group received collective punishment which shadows a uniformed service environment this not only learned that we had to keep on top of our time keeping but it allowed us as a team to develop and further develop or teambuilding skills. If we continually had poor time keeping then we would have forfeited a part of our uniform and we needed a complete uniform to pass out of linnet Clough.
Team Discipline and Moral
This is really important not only in a uniformed service environment but also in any work place. You have to have good discipline to maintain moral and get along within a group. In my group last year we were fantastic we worked so hard together and always achieved the best results but in small confined spaces and the most minimal amount of time and not a lot of sleep like at linnet clough which yet again shadows a service environment tempers can rise and people can become irritated this is known in Tuckmans stages of team development as storming. We created a fantastic working group and made some awesome friendships.
Before I began my level three courses I was a member of the army cadet force which made me very proficient in drill. I used my own personnel self discpline to help others I could on the on the other hand have been big headed and said “oh I already know this” but I did not I liked helping my team mates which really boosted team spirit. This is an extract from the army dill manual “the Aim and purpose of drill is install discipline and to provide the basis of teamwork” drill taught me and others in my section that drill installs personal discipline it means that we are all uniformed and that we all conform and that is a very important element in service life. An example of this can be in the Royal Air Force Regiments Queens Colour Squadron as seen in the YouTube clip if those airmen decided to break into their own routine then the whole demonstration would be a failure that is a classic example of team and self-discipline.
College after Linnet Clough
Like linnet clough I made sure that uniform was washed and presses every day that I was college this included my boots I made sure that my boots where always where clean and bulled and this gave me a real pride in my appearance =) the only thing that I could have improve is I sometimes left it until the morning to iron my uniform which put me in a bit of a rush. Whereas if I had done them the night before I could have got ready in perfect ease well I will be definitely getting my admin squared away this year.
Lesson Timings
Having the discipline to arrive on lessons on time is showing manners and courtesy not only for the instructor/ lecture but for other members in my group. It prepares you for job interviews and even getting to work on time. I had good punctuality last year And intend to keep it up this year.
Assignments have played an important role this year well like they do in all forms of education I am very pleased with my assingment discipline this year because I made sure that I completed all my assignments to the highest level and handed them in on time on the date specified.
But on one occasion that I had a moment of madness and left and assignment to the last minute and as a result I and had to stay up late all weekend after finishing my weekend job yep realty slapping me in the face in order to complete it. From then on I have made sure that I complete all my work well before it is due for hand in.Attendance
My attendance would good last year the only time it was affected was when we had the snow that was the only time I was off. I really enjoy college and if I’m ill I get really angry because I want to be at college I will keep my good attendance up this year as well. Attendance is really good discipline to have because it shows how dedicated an individual is to potential employers.
My fitness was good last year apart from my P.T sessions did not relay do much in my spare time apart from the odd run or gym session this started to take on a knock on effected so I went out running more went to the gym more and my fitness has rapidly improved I have also cut out all the rubbish out of my diet and feel better now I am very pleased that in the holidays I did not let the ball slip I maintained my fitness and am looked forward to out PT sessions starting again soon. The public service I wish to join the RAF Regimen you have to have a very high standard of fitness so I will keep trying to improve my fitness.
I am very with my attitude this year and I consider it one of my strong points. I have been going through a stressful time these past few months but even so I have kept smiling and kept a positive attitude whilst at college because let’s be honest no one likes a depressing person because that can bring team moral down so by me staying positive helps work tawdry creating a positive environment.
Discipline outside of college
My discipline outside of college is half and half in some cases and relay well-disciplined and in others I am not. For example getting ready for work and getting to work on time I’m very well disciplined but little tasks like washing the pots I leave them to the last minute and keep putting it off. In regards to my personnel appearance I’m still much disciplined I make sure if I am going out ill have a shave and that all my clothes are ironed.
This is a two sided coin my mum has recently left and I have had to become more disciplined at home which I see as a postaive which means that I no longer leave things to the last minute and have become more organized and disciplined which has restored some form of normality into my life at home. But ones thing is for sure I am happy that I am back with my friends back at college
The need for and role of discipline in the Uniformed Public Services
P1 - Explain the need for and role of discipline in the uniformed public services
Discipline is needed in the uniform public service such as the HM Prison Service and the British Army in order to create efficient and effective well-structured operational teams, which allows the services to achieve there operational gaols and objectives.
The role of Discipline within the services is that installs team spirit, sense of honour and duty within its members which will bind them closely together which is important when their team mates are in danger and in need, they will put their own life at risk to help them.
M1 - Justify the need for and role of discipline in the uniformed public services
According to the oxford English Dictionary discipline is; the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience
Discipline plays an important role within the uniform public service such as the HM Prison service and the British Army to work in well-structured professional efficient team effectively achieving their goals and objectives.
We have looked at two contrasting public services with two different examples of how discipline is important within them the services that we will be looking at are;
Her Majesties Prison Service
The HM Prison service needs to have well-disciplined officers to deal with high intense and stressful situation that can occur, for example – in a hostage situation prison officers need to have the self-discipline not to panic to remain in control and handle the situation professionally. They have to work with very difficult and trying people that may have committed some of the worst crimes imaginable , this is why discipline it is so important for officers to have high standards of discipline,
British Army
The British army need to have well-disciplined officers and soldiers within its ranks to meet some of the demanding, intense and dangerous situations that armed conflict brings. Under fire and in make or break situations soldiers need to have the discipline to follow orders in order to achieve their operational goals and objectives, discipline installs camaraderie within its members which makes them willing to put their life’s on their lines for their colleagues.
Hierarchical command and rank structures
Discipline allows hierarchical command and rank structures to simulate and pass down orders and instructions to subordinates, as well as allows effective management of leadership of personnel. Hierarchical command and rank structures allow junior members of the public services to respect those in positions of authority
Each of the public services has their own hierarchical command and rank structures here are two examples.
Her Majesties Prison Service;
· Prison Officer
· Senior Prison Officer
· Principle Officer
· Governor Grade 5
· Governor Grade 4
· Governor Grade 3
· Governor Grade 2
· Governor Grade 1 ( Senior Guvnor grade)
British Army – Officer
· General
· Lieutenant-general
· Major- general
· Brigadier
· Colonel
· Lieutenant Colonel
· Major
· Captain
· Lieutenant
· Second Lieutenant
British Army – None Commissioned Officers
· Warrant Officer Class 1
· Warrant Officer Class 2
· Staff Sergeant / Colour Sergeant
· Sergeant
· Corporal
· Lance Corporal
· Private
The Need for Discipline
Discipline is needed for the effective and efficient running of the public services this can be achieved through the following of Rules and regulations are needed to regulate and install discipline within members of the public services; rules and regulations give a clear outline to service members what their services exceptions are in relation to conduct and behaviour. Rules outline a frame work in which helps guide, develop, the behaviour of their personnel.
Without rules and regulations members of the public service could act in an inappropriate and unprofessional manner this can result in injuries and deaths of civilians and fellow colleagues. Lack of discipline can also bring into question the integrity of the public services.
It is important that orders are followed by subordinates because it will ensure that the task and objectives will be achieved. Following orders in dangerous and intense situations can prevent injuries and fatalities it can also turn a make or break situation into a positive outcome.
Discipline also needed because it maintains order within the service this is achieved through rewards and punishment, those that conform and maintain high standards are reward with time off, promotions and an increase in pay where as those who do not conform and brake the rules face punishment which can be reduction in rank, loss of pay, dismissal form service or prison sentences.
Without discipline the public services would be unable to operate as an effective team and reduce their operational capabilities, hierarchical command and rank structures would have no purpose because people would not respect of follow their superiors. The public services would be unable to serve the public.
The Role of Discipline
The role that discipline plays within the public services is that it installs these qualities within service members.
· Self-Pride
· Camaraderie
· Team Spirit
· Sense of Duty
· Honour
· Loyalty
These are all important qualities in order for the public services to operate as an effective team to work in intense and dangerous situations here are two examples.
Team Spirit
In the HM Prison service it is important that officers have team spirit within them and this can be seen in Ashwell prison riot in 2009 where the prisoners rioted causing wide spread damage to the prison, those prison officers in the QRT (quick response teams) responsible for containing the riots would have had to have had team spirit t to stand against the 400 rioting prisoners, to motive each other through the dangerous and trying situation.
Sense of Honour and Duty
All members of the public services should have honour and duty within themselves here is an example form British army; on the 1st may 2004 Johnson Beharry twice rescued his comrades from an ambush under heavy fire even when he was badly wounded with a head injury he fore filled his duties to his team mates by rescuing his team, he did not let his comrades down he was there for them. For this he was awarded the Victoria cross the highest award for bravery.
How discipline is encouraged
each public service encourage discipline through the use legalisation and policies and procedures this gives members of a public services a frame work in which helps guide, develop, the behaviour of their personnel. Here are two pieced of legislation that our chosen public services follow
· Prison Service Discipline & Conduct Documentation
· Armed Forces Act 2005
Prison Service Discipline & Conduct Documentation
This documentation provides a frame work of discipline and conducts for employees as well as outline disciplinary procedures that can be taken against prison staff if they are charged with misconduct.
The section that is relevant to conduct and discipline for prison officers is the professional standards documentation.
Example Extract;
“All staff is personally responsible for their conduct. Misconduct will not be tolerated and failure to comply with these standards can lead to action which may result in dismissal from the Service.”
This documentation outlines what the prison service expect from their staff here are a few examples
· Conduct
· Discipline
· Service requirements
· Civil service requirements
· Responsibility of staff
Armed Forces Act 2005
The armed forces act 2005 is an act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, this legislation replaced the separate services discipline act.
It is a tri service legal doctrine that provides a legal system for the British armed forces that deals with matters of discipline and court Martials
The implementation of all three discipline acts into one as allowed for a more efficient ways of enforcing military discipline and implementing military law.
The relevant section to discipline is the following
Part 1 Offences –
Insubordination etc
11.Misconduct towards a superior officer.
12.Disobedience to lawful commands.
13.Contravention of standing orders.
14.Using force against a sentry etc.
What would the services be like without it
Without discipline within the uniformed services , service members can become easily distracted when carrying out there tasks this can result in the task being completed half-heartedly,
Crucial and important details can be missed which can result in injuries and the deaths of fellow colleagues or civilians
The operational capability and effectiveness would be reduced.
There would be a breakdown of social order which will result in anarchy “a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems”
D1 Evaluation of Discipline
The good points of discipline are that it creates a strong team bond between members of the public services. This enables them to work effectively together with a sense of honour , loyalty and a sense of duty for one another and those that they serve, disciplined individuals will follow orders from their superiors which enable them to be operational effective in completing their goals and objectives. Disciplined individuals are likely to conform and be obedient to
The negative aspects of discipline is that it can lead to bullying or abuse of authority , discipline can
Cause Moral problems for individuals they may have to carry out tasks that they may not wish to do
Because they have been ordered to do so.
When discipline goes too far illegal acts and orders can be issued and followed which then calls
into Question the integrity of the services and the subject of discipline.
When discipline goes too far illegal acts and orders can be issued and followed which then calls
into Question the integrity of the services and the subject of discipline.
Our suggested improvement
Our suggested improvement would be to have a Public Service Watchdog which would be a
Independent government department that would be responsible for monitoring and working with
Each of public services to ensure that they are working in accordance with current government
Legislation and ethics. We fully understand that there are similar organizations in place and each
has their own extremely Good systems in place to deal with this subject so we would integrate all
these organizations together just like the armed forces have done with their discipline acts so that
all the public Services where regulated on a similar level , again we understand that the armed
forces need to be Regulated in a different way because of nature of their work, but a collective
organization would allow for a more efficient way of regulating and monitoring the services
has their own extremely Good systems in place to deal with this subject so we would integrate all
these organizations together just like the armed forces have done with their discipline acts so that
all the public Services where regulated on a similar level , again we understand that the armed
forces need to be Regulated in a different way because of nature of their work, but a collective
organization would allow for a more efficient way of regulating and monitoring the services
Thank you